How To Tell You Need To Upgrade Your Internet Speeds

Are you currently getting by with a basic Internet plan at home? If so, you may discover that you need a more premium Internet plan to help you connect to the Internet. Here are a few signs that you need to contact your Internet service provider and make an upgrade. 

Your Downloads And Uploads Take A Long Time

Most people only download small files here and there, which allows them to get by using a slower Internet package. This includes things like the occasional photo, word document, or basic web browsing. However, you may be running into an issue where your downloads are taking longer than usual. This can be the case when you are working from home and transferring big files, or simply trying to download a software update. Faster Internet speeds are going to allow you to download files faster than you currently do, which will help with productivity and getting things done.

The same can be said for files that you upload. However, be aware that your upload speeds may not match your download speeds. It is common for coaxial-based Internet to limit upload speeds in general, and those low Internet packages can see even lower speeds than normal. Check with your ISP to see where you start seeing benefits to upload speeds when upgrading packages. Adding an additional 5 or 10 Mbps to your upload speeds can make a huge difference.

Your Household Members Complain About Internet Connectivity

When you do have a slower Internet package, it is possible that one person can easily max out your bandwidth cap. A large download or upload can lead to other people in your home struggling to perform basic functions on their device. They may struggle simply opening a webpage on their phone when connected over WiFi, which is a problem that can easily be solved with faster speeds.

Your Streaming Service Buffers Frequently

Are you trying to watch a video at 4K quality, and you find that the video constantly buffers with annoying pauses? This is because the bandwidth required for 4K video may be larger than what your ISP can transmit. Check to see the recommended bandwidth necessary from your streaming provider, and then multiple that recommendation for each person that simultaneously streams video at home. Get an Internet package with speeds that are at least that fast to ensure that nobody has problems with buffering videos. 

For more information on upgrading home internet services, contact a company near you.
